This is a beta release of Lasso Studio for Eclipse. If you are not
running LSfE 1.0.X (where X is anything greater than zero), please go
back and follow the instructions for switching to the beta update site.
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Then go on to pick Lasso Studio for Eclipse 1.0.8
***NOTE: This version works in BOTH Eclipse 3.0 and Eclipse 3.1.
This will most likely be the last update which introduces new
features. At this point I will be focusing purely on fixing bugs in
the existing feature set. After that, everything will be updated to
1.5 and moved to the regular, non-beta, download site.
Release Notes
Added auto-complete suggestions for self->
The selection list is populated with the current type's data
and tag members.
The members of super types are not added to this list.
Fixed broken images in the auto-complete popup
Fixed problem with var/global/local templates
Added proper indentation for inserted multi-line templates
Added the ${action} template variable which permits one to
select from the list of database actions.
Added the ${database} template variable which will list all the
databases available to the user.
Added the ${table} template variable which will list all the
tables available to the user.
Note that the database and table variables are not linked
Selecting from the database variable will not filter the
table list
New EclipseSupport.LassoApp is required
Tags/Types defined within the project are now added to the auto-
complete pop-up
Tag/Type auto-completion is now more namespace aware.
exists*auto_complete* will have file_exists in the
suggestion list.
These types of matches will appear lower in the list; after
the "better" matches.
Also note that a new EclipseSupport.LassoApp is required for some of
the features in this update to operate.
You can find this new app here:
Simply download this app, unzip it and replace the previous version
(should be in LassoStartup), then restart the Lasso site.
Fixed a template formatting bug
Fixed problem with debugging in E3.1
LSfE now should fully work in Eclipse 3.0 and 3.1
Newly created Lasso Script files are now automatically opened in
the editor.
Essentially rewrote script formatting to be cleaner and more
Eliminated wrapping immadiately after # or $
Script formatting will no longer add any EOL before or after
plain text literals.
This is generally only encountered when [] is the preference.
This may result in slightly scewed formatting, but preserves
the integrety of
plain text literals
Prettied up the Formatting preferences page.
Fixed problems with LSfE and Eclipse 3.1. It should work in both
3.0 and 3.1 now.
Added Templates preferences page.
Added support for script templates. These appear as choices in
the auto-complete popup list.
Script templates allow for more complete bodies of script to
be inserted into the document instead
of simple tag names.
Templates also provide a system for inserting and editing
variables as the template is inserted in the
Template variables in represented by using the format $
{name}. As an example, a template for
inserting a commonly used inline/rows combination might look
like this:
inline(-database='${db}', -table='${table}'${params});
When this template is inserted into the document, it is
first formatted according to the preferences
established in the Script Formatting preference page, then
the {$db} variable point is highlighted
and selected, allowing you to type and replace the value.
Hitting tab at this point will move the insertion
point to the ${table} variable, then to the ${params}
variable, and finally to the ${cursor} variable.
${cursor} is a special variable which defines the insertion
point after the template is finalized.
There are a few other special template variables:
These are all listed when you click on the Insert
Variable... button in the template editor dialog.
Here are a few of the templates built in to LSfE:
iterate(${over}, local('${using}'));${cursor}/iterate;
inline(-database='${db}', -table='${table}'${params});
define_constant('${name}', ${value})${cursor}
Keep in mind that no matter how the original template is
it will be reformatted according to the user's preferences
(and this formatting can also be disabled if not desired).
encode_set was not coming up properly for content-assist. Fixed.
New EclipseSupport app prequired.
Fixed Window's specific problem with Reloading the browser view.
Added Format menu item.
Added Script Formatting Rules preferences page.
Automatic formatting can be utilized to convert between []
or <? ?> syntaxes, () and : syntaxes
and will also apply indentation rules.
Automatic formatting can be applied to either a whole
document or to a portion of a document (the active selection).
If applied to a selection, the selection should either begin
with or and with []/<? ?> or should begin with plain text
which contains those script block delimiters.
Atomatic formatting will utilize the preferences from the
Script Formatting Rules prefgerence page.
Here is a description of what these preferences mean:
([x] signifies a checkbox option, [____] signifies a
text field option)
[x] Prefer [] over <?LassoScript ?> (defaults to OFF)
Controls whether automatic formatting will use square
brackets or LassoScript style code.
If using square brackets, Formatting will surround each
individual tag with [ ]
If using LassoScript style, Formatting will try put as
many tags inside the delimiters as possible.
[x] Ignore blank string literals (defaults to ON)
When converting from square brackets to LassoScript
style, blank literal text, such as is found between
tags will not be converted to quotes literals within
the LassoScript blocks.
If this option is not selected, blank text (containing
line endings, tabs, etc.)
will be converted to literal strings. ' '; for
[x] Prefer () over : (defaults to OFF)
Controls whether Formatting will use the colono of
parenthisis calling syntax.
tag(param) vs. tag:param
Formatting is smart enough, when using colon syntax, to
surround tags with parenthesis to indicate
proper precedence, if required.
Indentation string [____] (defaults to TAB)
The string/character to use for indenting (space/tab,
for example)
Indentation count [____] (defaults to 1)
The number of the above indentation string to use for
each level of indent.
For example, if using a space for indenting, one could
indicate 4 spaces per indent here.
Wrap at column [____] (defaults to 80)
Indicates the column at which to begin a new line.
Maximum parameters per line [___] (defaults to 5)
When formatting a tag's parameters, this indicates at
which point a new line will begin.
Maximum plain text length [____] (defaults to 500)
When formatting a string literal which exists as its own
'this is the string';, for example, if the string is
longer than this value, the current script block will be closed
and the string will be output outside of that block.
For example, if this value was set to 5, the following
source text:
'Hello, world!';
would be formatted to:
?>Hello, world!<?LassoScript
Quote character [____] (defaults to ')
The character which will be used to surround quoted
string literals.
Added Preferences page which controls which elements should show
up in the Outline View
<?*autocomplete* will suggest inserting <?LassoScript ?>
Added a Location text field and Reload button to the Browser View
Added F5 command key which will Reload the browser view (when
browser view has focus)
Added preference page for Script File Template. This template
will be inserted into every newly created Lasso Script File
(unless Insert Lasso Script Template is unchecked in the New
Script File wizard)
All files which are set to open in the Lasso Script Editor will
now have the Lasso Script Run/Debug menu item
Added Edit menu items for "Convert Line Delimiters" and to
change "Encoding"
Enabled the Run To Line debug menu item (command-R)
Fixed bug where Lasso was unable to debug after a script failure
(new LassoService required)
Content Assist is now better at respecting brackets vs. <?
Fixed problem with a file's charset not being respected
The double restart problem is fixed
New parser is now used for everything, including, most notably,
the Outline
Greatly improved drag & drop of outline items
Added cross-document page var suggestion
Added a preference page for setting the serial number
Added command keys for the various Lasso specific menu items
(Toggle Line Comment, for example)
these are all configurable in the prefs
Removed Toggle Line Breakpoint from the editor context menu
(it's already in the ruler ctx menu and
an action when you 2click in the ruler)
F2 (by default) will now pop up a windowlette containing Help
text for whatever is at the text insertion point.
This help comes either from the LassoService's LDML
Reference or, for the case of project local tags/types,
from that tag/type's -description
F3 (by default), when pushed while the insertion point is on a
tag or type which is defined within the project, will
open the defining file and move to the definition
F3, when pushed while the insertion point is on a valid file
path (like in an include), will open the target file
path must be a quoted string
Added support for hover tool tip - displays the same information
as F2 would
LSfE will now ask you to select another file if you attempt to
run/debug a file which does not exists.
Debugger Listen Address should now default to the machine's
default ip address instead of "localhost".
Added ruler menu items for manipulating code Folding
this adds command key items for toggling folding as a whole
and expanding and collapsing individual items
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