Kyle Jessup UPDATE: Lasso Studio for Eclipse 1.0.3 (beta)
May 31, 2005; 15:55
Kyle Jessup
UPDATE: Lasso Studio for Eclipse 1.0.3 (beta)
This is a beta release of Lasso Studio for Eclipse. If you are not running LSfE 1.0.X (where X is anything greater than zero), please go back and follow the instructions for switching to the beta update site.
To Upgrade: Help > Software Updates > Find and Install... Search for updates... Then go on to pick Lasso Studio for Eclipse 1.0.3
When prompted to do so, choose to restart. When Eclipse comes back up, quit it again and manually relaunch it.
Release Notes 1.0.3 Added Preferences page which controls which elements should show up in the Outline View <?*autocomplete* will suggest inserting <?LassoScript ?> Added a Location text field and Reload button to the Browser View Added F5 command key which will Reload the browser view (when browser view has focus) Added preference page for Script File Template. This template will be inserted into every newly created Lasso Script File (unless Insert Lasso Script Template is unchecked in the New Script File wizard)
1.0.2 All files which are set to open in the Lasso Script Editor will now have the Lasso Script Run/Debug menu item Added Edit menu items for "Convert Line Delimiters" and to change "Encoding" Enabled the Run To Line debug menu item (command-R) Fixed bug where Lasso was unable to debug after a script failure (new LassoService required) Content Assist is now better at respecting brackets vs. <?
1.0.1 Fixed problem with a file's charset not being respected The double restart problem is fixed New parser is now used for everything, including, most notably, the Outline Greatly improved drag & drop of outline items Added cross-document page var suggestion Added a preference page for setting the serial number Added command keys for the various Lasso specific menu items (Toggle Line Comment, for example) these are all configurable in the prefs Removed Toggle Line Breakpoint from the editor context menu (it's already in the ruler ctx menu and an action when you 2click in the ruler) F2 (by default) will now pop up a windowlette containing Help text for whatever is at the text insertion point. This help comes either from the LassoService's LDML Reference or, for the case of project local tags/types, from that tag/type's -description F3 (by default), when pushed while the insertion point is on a tag or type which is defined within the project, will open the defining file and move to the definition F3, when pushed while the insertion point is on a valid file path (like in an include), will open the target file path must be a quoted string Added support for hover tool tip - displays the same information as F2 would LSfE will now ask you to select another file if you attempt to run/debug a file which does not exists. Debugger Listen Address should now default to the machine's default ip address instead of "localhost". Added ruler menu items for manipulating code Folding this adds command key items for toggling folding as a whole and expanding and collapsing individual items
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