Fletcher Sandbeck [Tip of the Week] Communicating with OmniPilot
Jan 05, 2007; 08:08
Fletcher Sandbeck
[Tip of the Week] Communicating with OmniPilot
Tip of the week for January 5, 2007 is a discussion of how you can communicate with OmniPilot. Includes guidelines for feature requests, documentation feedback, and bug reports.
Lasso Summit 2007 is coming up fast, but there is still time to register. This exciting event will be held March 2-4 in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. Come meet the OmniPilot team and learn about topics ranging from basic Lasso techniques up to advanced techniques like AJAX and using the PDF tags.
Recent tips of the week include:
- 2006 Year End Review <http://www.omnipilot.com/TotW.1768.9218.lasso>
- Finishing Touches - Professional Error Pages <http://www.omnipilot.com/TotW.1768.9217.lasso>
- Lasso 8.5 [Net] Tags Improved TLS/SSL Support and SASL Handoffs <http://www.omnipilot.com/TotW.1768.9215.lasso>
Comments, corrections, or ideas for future tips of the week are appreciated and can be sent to <lassodocumentation@omnipilot.com>.
[fletcher] -- Fletcher Sandbeck fletcher@omnipilot.com Director of Product Development http://www.lassostudio.com OmniPilot Software, Inc. http://www.omnipilot.com
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