Brand new to the list -- I just purchased and installed Lasso Studio 8 for DW (8.0.4. Running on Mac OS 10.4.1). I've configured the Lasso server on my local machine, and I've been trying to use the Site and Form builder tools just to test and make sure everything is working. In the Lasso Administration app, I've enable the MySQL connector, and I've connected to and set authorizations to a simple MySQL database.
Back in DW, I've set up a snapshot of my sample database, and I've turned on data preview. When I look at the forms created by the builder tools, I can see my records displayed in DW design view -- cool, I thought!
But when I try to preview my pages in Safari, none of my database data is visible, and worse, all of the lasso code is visible. In short, I think my Lasso server is not properly working with my web server (Apache 1.3) to translate my Lasso code.
Any thoughts on the most likely suspect for this problem?
Thanks! Alan S. Golub
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May 26
Rich Re: Studio 8.0.4 for DW setup problems
May 26, 2005; 21:11
Re: Studio 8.0.4 for DW setup problems
May 26
Alan Golub Re: Studio 8.0.4 for DW setup problems
May 26, 2005; 21:18
Alan Golub
Re: Studio 8.0.4 for DW setup problems
May 27
Rich Re: Studio 8.0.4 for DW setup problems
May 27, 2005; 03:18
Re: Studio 8.0.4 for DW setup problems
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