I intermittently (I should say frequently) experience exactly the same problems as you've described. I'm afraid to modify some of the pages I've created using Dreamweaver because of the frequency with which this occurs.
I've also found that Dreamweaver will often beep at me without specifying what the problem is. This happens even when I'm trying to simply open pages. As someone with a background in usability, I find this unforgivable.
As far as a solution to your current problem is concerned...I've found that switching to an external editor and editing the HTML by hand works best. Download a copy of BBEdit (I assume you're using a Mac) and set it up as your external editor in Dreamweaver's preferences.
If you're not using a Mac, "Notepad" should do the trick. It'd be great if you could let me know what platform you are using.
I'm pretty sure that Dreamweaver is not written as a native Mac application, and (at least with the LSDW plugin) it's use of memory is appalling. I've given it 128 MB of memory, and it still randomly gives me out of memory errors (this is with only one, relatively simple, page open).
Anyway, I hope this helps.
Ps. I've experienced the same sort of corruption using templates in Dreamweaver...not sure if this is related...
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