GoBuffs Re: Lasso Studio for Dreamweaver - 11/02/00
Nov 03, 2000; 08:02
Re: Lasso Studio for Dreamweaver - 11/02/00
Breathe. In their defense, I don't have the problems that you are suggesting. Occasionally I will have memory problems like you're suggesting but only when I have a few complicated lasso files open. I agree with you that it does get a bit annoying when the low memory message comes up and they should fix it but I think your extreme case has to do with some extension. Just guessing.
Michael Forte Flying Buffalo Enteprrises, Inc. In a message dated 11/2/00 11:47:40 PM, LassoStudioDW@blueworld.com writes:
>Subject: Dreamweaver 3 Lasso memory bug >From: dave <dave@mywebbrain.com> >Date: Fri, 03 Nov 2000 01:04:45 -0500 > >couldn't be any more disgusted with the memory glitches when using Lasso >Studio for Dreamweaver 3. i have to give DW 150+MB RAM to open a 45K file >with CDML tags???? this is ridiculous. Blueworld's only hint, some kind >of >Power-something-or-other extension, doesn't apply to me at all - no such >extension installed on my computer. this stinks. so does the fact that >i'd >have to pay blueworld $75 for a tech support call to find out that their >program has a memory bug. i'll never buy another blueworld product. i've >wasted my money. if this product is a beta, it'd be nice if blueworld >had >stood up and said that's what it was. if it was not intended to be a beta, >it's a pretty sorry product. > >dave
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Nov 03
dave Re: Lasso Studio for Dreamweaver - 11/02/00
Nov 03, 2000; 09:31
Re: Lasso Studio for Dreamweaver - 11/02/00
Nov 03
dave Re: Lasso Studio for Dreamweaver - 11/02/00
Nov 03, 2000; 10:09
Re: Lasso Studio for Dreamweaver - 11/02/00
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