Barry Miller Re: Lasso Studio for Dreamweaver - 06/13/00
Jun 15, 2000; 14:01
Barry Miller
Re: Lasso Studio for Dreamweaver - 06/13/00
Hi Folks,
I'm trying to use an inline to send an email with Lasso Studio 1.5. Here's my code:
[Inline: Email.Host='', Email.To='', Email.Format='email.txt', Email.Subject='text of email', Nothing,][/Inline]
My first question is whether or not it's possible to test the email inline function using Lasso Studio. The installation instructions in the Lasso 3.6 Reference Manual, Ch.4 offers instructions for WinNT and MacOS only, not Win95/98.
Comments appreciated.
Thanks Barry Miller ADVANCED DATABASE SYSTEMS INC ________________________________ http://// v: 949-829-9000 f: 949-830-9100
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