hey guys, I'm trying to setup a Lasso-driven website for review purposes. Anybody have a recommendation for a cheap host who is Mac-friendly & halfway friendly & helpful? I just need to set up a Filemaker 5 db, use Lasso for GoLive & groove. Feel free to write me directly, or use de list, mon.
Pc -- Paul Christy Productions KHMX Houston/GrooveRadio.com Exclusively ProTools/Exclusively Mac
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May 12
John Morris Re: LS4GL Talk Digest - 05/10/01
May 12, 2001; 13:33
John Morris
Re: LS4GL Talk Digest - 05/10/01
May 14
Thomas C. Waters Re: LS4GL Talk Digest - 05/10/01
May 14, 2001; 05:53
Thomas C. Waters
Re: LS4GL Talk Digest - 05/10/01
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