Dec 09, 2000; 15:24
David Haney
Since others on the listserver may benefit by knowing more of the newly released HOME STUDY COURSE ON a 6 CD set, which is a substantial new training resource for the lasso development community, we have posted our response to Pierre on the list.
Pierre wrote...
> I sent this response to an email from a David from Advanced > Software Training, since two to three days ago, but still > never heard from David.
We were busy finishing a special training course for the US government this past week. Usually Bob Harrington picks up all of the pending email regarding training or courseware over the weekend. Be patient and we will get to everyone inquirying about our classes and courseware.
> Can anyone provide me with any clue to my question, or provide > me with an alternative email address from Advanced Software > Training, where I'm sure to get a reply?
Here are the email addresses for specific people in the the Sales, Training, and Admin/Accounting Depts at ADVANCED SOFTWARE TRAINING (AST)...
> I have been waiting for this CD Rom Home study course for the > last two years.
The HOME STUDY COURSE is the complete 4 day advanced training course by ADVANCED SOFTWARE TRAINING (AST) in Web-Enablement using FileMaker, Lasso, Lasso Studio for Dreamweaver, and Dreamweaver. Bob Harrington of AST is the trainer who has been teaching this class throughout major cities in the US. Prior to coming to work at AST Bob has been an instructor teaching FileMaker for the past 8 years for MacAcademy. We had Bob go into a recording studio and record the entire 4 day class EXACTLY as the class is taught each day.
We were able to compose the entire class on a set of 6 CD's. We composed the 6 CD's into 2 separated CD sets. The FileMaker set is 2 CD, and the Lasso, Lasso Studio for Dreamweaver, and Dreamweaver is a 4 CD set.
If anyone is interested in attending the actual training class you may want to note the new schedule for classes during the year 2001, which is now on our web site. We used to provide this class 24 times a year, however we now will ONLY provide this class 8 times during the year. We will be in 8 major cites ONLY once during the year. 7 cities in the US, and 1 in Europe, as follows:
¥ Seattle ¥ San Francisco ¥ Los Angeles ¥ Chicago ¥ Boston ¥ New York ¥ Washington DC ¥ London, UK
The next scheduled class is being held in London, England. For cities in the US during 2001, please refer the schedule on our web site.
> I have a question. If this is what I want to do (as described > above), can I buy just the SERIES TWO course, or do you think > it's better that I should also have SERIES ONE?
We obviously recommend purchasing both sets. When attending a class, when the class is over its over, but with having the HOME STUDY COURSE on CD's, you can use them over and over, and not only for yourself but whomever in your company you wish to train, now or at a later date. There is a continuity to have both the FileMaker 2 CD set and the following Lasso 4 CD set. We recommend purchasing both sets, however the HOME STUDY COURSE is offered separately so you can choose.
> If both are needed, will there be a special bundle discount > for both SERIES?
The cost for the production of the HOME STUDY COURSE was huge. The cost for each set is very very low. The HOME STUDY COURSE is 1/3rd the cost of registering for the 4 day training class, which also doesn't take into consideration the cost of attending (flight, hotel, food). The CD set allows you the freedom to learn in your own home and a substantial savings ...plus you can use the courseware over and over.
> How soon will you ship upon order, to Singapore? If it helps > to reduce delivery lead time if shipped within the US, then > I can provide my US contact address.
In the US we ship using regular mail and we use UPS for overseas.
David Haney ADVANCED DATABASE SYSTEMS INC ________________________________ david_haney@database-systems.com http:////www.database-systems.com tel: 949-829-9000 x128 fax: 949-830-9100
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