Hello.... I'm getting the following error message when trying to connect Lasso Studio for GoLive 6.0.1 to Lasso Pro 6.0.3.....
Error - The connection to (IP address) at (date and time) failed. Lasso Service could not find the Connector for Lasso Studio (LassoStudio.LassoApp)
The IP address is correct.... the user name and password are that of the administrator...... the Lasso Server Administration works perfectly fine with this user name and password.... Lasso Studio works fine if I connect to the single user local Server...... I have copied the LassoStudio.LassoApp from the LassoStudio 6 > Extensions > Lasso Studio Connector folder to the LassoProfessional6 > LassoStartup folder..... when I use Process Viewer to see what is running I do not see LassoStudio.LassoApp..... I have run thestopLassoService.command and the startLassoService.command several times and still I cant get the Studio to connect to the server..... I've also created a Studio group and user in an attempt to get the two to connect.... nothing I've done seems to be able to make the two connect..... anyone have any suggestions of information as to what I should try next..... Rob
Mar 14
Stephen Smiroldo Re: LassoStudio Connection Error
Mar 14, 2003; 13:09
Stephen Smiroldo
Re: LassoStudio Connection Error
Mar 14
Rob Davies Re: LassoStudio Connection Error
Mar 14, 2003; 15:24
Rob Davies
Re: LassoStudio Connection Error
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