I've been toying with the idea of offering the Crash Course Lasso training class including a boxed copy of Lasso Professional 5 along with all the manuals. I'd even throw in Duncan's great new book. Basically, I'm trying to come up with the total LP5 package.
Basically I'm thinking of these package offerings:
Package #1 $1,499 ==================- Lasso Professional 5 Standard Edition Boxed ($,1299 value) includes CD, Tutorial & Setup Guide - Extending Lasso Guide ($30 value) - Language Guide ($50 value) - Lasso Professional 5 Developer's Guide ($54.99 value) - 2 day Crash Course training ($699 value) * Total est. value at $2,132.99 (saving $633.99)
Package #2 $999 ==================- Lasso Professional 5 Standard Edition Upgrade Boxed ($699 value) includes CD, Tutorial & Setup Guide - Extending Lasso Guide ($30 value) - Language Guide ($50 value) - Lasso Professional 5 Developer's Guide ($54.99 value) - 2 day Crash Course training ($699 value) * Total est. value at $1,532.99 (saving $533.99)
Package #3 $799 ===================- Lasso Professional 5 Developer Edition Boxed ($449 value) includes CD, Tutorial & Setup Guide - Extending Lasso Guide ($30 value) - Language Guide ($50 value) - Lasso Professional 5 Developer's Guide ($54.99 value) - 2 day Crash Course training ($699 value) * Total est. value at $1,282.99 (saving $483.99)
Would anybody be interested? If enough are interested, I'll setup a date in late July or August for our training facility in Grand Rapids, MI.
Let me know.
------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jim Van Heule jvanheule@vhpublications.com VH Publications, Inc. direct: 616.844.0066 -------------------------------------------------------------------------
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Jun 24
John May Re: Lasso Training including LP5?
Jun 24, 2002; 15:22
John May
Re: Lasso Training including LP5?
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