I am creating the website with studio on a machine networked to my win 2000 server. lp5 is installed on the hd of the server. and golive and studio is installed on another computer linked to the server. anyway i am trying to to create a simple form and do a search through the site builder in lasso studio from the networked computer and do a test search on the same conmputer i have just talked about......ex:
and i get this error
Error The Error was The specified database was not found, -609
i am using an microsoft access file as my databse source throught the 3rd party odbc connector for lasso pro 5
am I just not linking it properly?
or do i have to set up any kind of spacific server permissions for iss config or lasso pro 5 setup/config
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Jun 20
The Poms Re: Lasso Studio for GoLive Talk
Jun 20, 2002; 14:56
The Poms
Re: Lasso Studio for GoLive Talk
Jun 21
Chris Curra Re: Lasso Studio for GoLive Talk
Jun 21, 2002; 08:39
Chris Curra
Re: Lasso Studio for GoLive Talk
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