I've spent a couple of weeks messing around with Lasso Studio for Eclipse, in general I'm finding it comes up short of my expectations, but perhaps I'm just doing something wrong, if so, please feel free to point me in the right direction.
The editing interface is ok, but generally I don't feel that it's anything like as good as BBEdit, even the older "light" versions seem to be much more powerful text editors. Basic things that seem to be missing are auto-wrapping of long lines and changing the indent on a selection of lines simultaneously. For a Mac user the general editing key commands seem very unfamiliar too. I'm also seeing a fair amount of editing errors, like I copy something, but when I paste it's actually the previous item I copied (ie the copy didn't happen).
Using the built in HTML viewer seems to be very constrained too. In the sense that using "Run" doesn't seem to allow the input of parameters, and you can't enter these into the location area above the viewer either, ie, you can't key into this area like this:
Loading HTML in this way also seems very slow. It can literally take several minutes to load a page that takes a couple of seconds to load in Safari. Tabbing between the browser and source view here often shown completely different pages!?
If I try to run Debug it almost immediately declares "Suspended", if I try to resume it just says "Pending", and nothing further happens. If I try to see what variables have been declared (before resuming) I get an error that the "children of the process couldn't be revealed" or similar.
I seem to have to quit and restart Eclipse 3-4 times each day, where it just stops responding to commands. Right now it's crashed and won't start again (double-click and nothing happens at all).
I'd estimate my productivity is down to around 10% of normal levels.
I'm using a 867MHz G4 PowerBook and 10.4.2 if that makes any difference.
-- Clive
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Jul 23
Nikolaj de Fine Licht Re: LSFE views
Jul 23, 2005; 05:32
Nikolaj de Fine Licht
Re: LSFE views
Jul 23
Clive Bruton Re: LSFE views
Jul 23, 2005; 16:56
Clive Bruton
Re: LSFE views
Jul 24
Bil Corry Re: LSFE views
Jul 24, 2005; 12:59
Bil Corry
Re: LSFE views
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