Conny Larsson Eclipse/Aptana file menu open .lasso or .inc
Oct 08, 2009; 12:09
Conny Larsson
Eclipse/Aptana file menu open .lasso or .inc
I think I have asked this before.
Can someone confirm my problem.
1. Create a file with bbedit, save it on your desktop with .lasso or .inc extension
2. Go to Aptana or Eclipse and in file menu (not in an project) open the file and write something then save and close file.
3. Open file in bbedit from desktop. whoila, (Joe Labero go home) the code i wrote in Aptana/eclipse are gone.
Anyone else have this issue?
____________________________________ Montania System AB
Conny Larsson
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Oct 08
Conny Larsson Re: Eclipse/Aptana file menu open .lasso or .inc
Oct 08, 2009; 12:40
Conny Larsson
Re: Eclipse/Aptana file menu open .lasso or .inc
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