Fletcher Sandbeck [Admin] List Domain Changing to LassoSoft
Mar 26, 2007; 04:13
Fletcher Sandbeck
[Admin] List Domain Changing to LassoSoft
List Subscribers,
I want to alert everyone to a couple changes which are coming to this discussion list.
The domain name for this mailing list is changing to "lists.lassosoft.com" from "lists.blueworld.com". You should update your email client address book to reflect this new address. Posts sent to the old address will still work for the forseeable future, but the From and Reply-To addresses for new messages will be changed.
This change will be effective this evening (3/26). The disruption caused by these changes should be minimal. If you stop receiving messages please add the new list address to your address book or spam filter configuration. If you have any problems or questions please write to our list master address.
The domain name is changing because OmniPilot Software has recently been renamed LassoSoft. This new name reflects our dedication to our flagship products Lasso Professional and Lasso Studio. As part of this rebranding we are finally putting the Blue World domain names to rest.
A new ListSearch service was recently launched. This Web site includes the subscribe/unsubscribe pages for each of our mailing lists as well as searchable archives. Additional options like reading messages by thread or author will be added to the site in the coming weeks. The site includes pages for all of our lists as well as many Bare Bones software lists and the MySQL mailing list.
If you would like to see additional lists archived please send us a message. We are interested particularly in archiving mailing lists which are of interest to Web and creative professionals. Also, if you have an idea for additional products which should have their own dedicated mailing lists at LassoSoft, please let us know.
Thank You,
-- Fletcher Sandbeck fletcher@lassosoft.com Director of Product Development http://www.lassostudio.com LassoSoft, LLC http://www.lassosoft.com
-- ------------------------------ Lasso Support: http://support.omnipilot.com/ Search the list archives: http://www.listsearch.com/lassostudiotalk.lasso Manage your list subscription: http://www.listsearch.com/lassostudiotalk.lasso?manage
Mar 26
Fletcher Sandbeck Re: [Admin] List Domain Changing to LassoSoft
Mar 26, 2007; 16:18
Fletcher Sandbeck
Re: [Admin] List Domain Changing to LassoSoft
Lasso Programming
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