Kerry Adams [ANN] Calling all people who wear clothing!
Apr 13, 2005; 15:59
Kerry Adams
[ANN] Calling all people who wear clothing!
Hey Lasso Community!
Are you creative?
Are you artistically gifted?
Are semi-colon¹s adjacent to parenthesis your idea of fine art?
Well, regardless of whether you¹ve answered yes or no to any of these questions, we want your designs!
OmniPilot is going to be producing some slick Lasso T-shirts in the very near future, and we decided that it would be a fun (and potentially scary?) idea to include the Lasso Community in the conception and design of these high quality, 100% cotton, bad boys.
The chosen design will not only be the new OmniPilot Lasso T-Shirt (to be admired and envied by all), but the creative little person who designed it will also receive the very first Lasso shirt, hot off the press, with the entire OP team¹s signatures  even Kyle¹s!
Please submit your designs to (maximum of 2 designs total per person)
The few notes/suggestions:
You can submit plain text (indicate front and back, if applicable) You can submit art files of your design (again, front and back if applicable) You can go to a t-shirt creation website, create a shirt, capture the image, and submit it.
Deadline for entry is 12PM EST, April 19th.
The winning design will be chosen by the OmniPilot team, and the winning design will be announced on Wednesday, April 20th.
Have fun and good luck!
Cheers, Kerry Adams OmniPilot Software, Inc. Lasso Business Development Manager Direct: 954.874.3131 ~ Toll free: 800.678.9958 x131 Fax: 954.874.3110 ~
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